9-Year-Old Girl Sings “Don’t Rain On My Parade,” Judge Calls Her A “Star In The Making”

Many of us wish at some point that we were blessed with a great singing voice, lyrical abilities, or instrument-playing skills. While not all of us want a future career as a singer, rapper, songwriter, or musician, sometimes there are moments where we wish we could have had the opportunity to pursue one or more of those paths.


Even for the individuals who do lead very successful music careers, not all of them were born with impeccable talent. Sometimes we hear our favorite stars sing live, and we’re disappointed that what we hear live is very different from what we hear on the radio. However, there are no doubt plenty of talented singers, musicians, and the like out there who are essentially born with a career down the line.
9-year-old Cora Harkin is one of many talented individuals who was gifted the voice of an angel from birth. With her debut on Ireland’s Got Talent, this talent becomes quite apparent.


In her audition on the Irish show, the young girl, who’s dressed in a collared, jean t-shirt dress, black leggings, and pink, fluffy animal ears, picks an oldie to sing: Barbara Streisand’s “Don’t Rain On My Parade.” As some may recall, this song was featured in the 1964 musical, Funny Girl. From the moment the music hits, judges Michelle and Denise make dramatic gestures to show that they approve of Cora’s chosen song.

Something we notice from the singer from the moment she steps on stage to the second she begins to sing is that she is consistent. She’s confident right from the start, which is part of what makes her a great, future star.

And boy, this girl can sing at levels I can’t even consider thinking about reaching. As the young singer hits high notes, she receives happy expressions from the judges and loud roars from the audience. Wait, did this girl seriously say she was…just nine-years-old?!

Before Cora’s performance even comes to a close, the judges and audience are already giving her a standing ovation, leaving the contestant with her hands on her mouth in shock.

“Goodness, you just commanded that stage!” says Judge Michelle.

“Your parents must keep having to fix the windows every day,” jokes Jason.

“I don’t think you realize how good you are,” Louis candidly tells Cora.

As the judges vote, Denise van Outen calls Cora “a star in the making,” and she’s certainly right! Let’s get this girl cast on Broadway!

I’m confident this won’t be the last time we hear the name “Cora Harkin.” That girl has a clear, powerful, loud, developed voice perfect for both the studio and the stage!


Don’t forget to watch the video below

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